Opening path...
It is not easy to make your way through virgin snow, it requires effort, preparation, tenacity… Sometimes you sink, sometimes you don’t know which way to go, but you never give up. Our footprint does not change the mountain, but it makes the path easier for those who come after us. This is what Transformando does.
Social Consultancy since 1.999
In 2024 we turn 25 years old! A long path full of learning and effort, which we summarize in 90 seconds in this video
What impact are we having?
With the Social Entities
- Participatory dynamisation strategies have helped 21 organisations to survive and grow.
- Reorganisation in 8 entities, which has made them more efficient in their work and with more motivated people.
- Conflict reduction and prevention in 6 organisations.
- Our facilitation of more than 24 meetings has helped to make the meetings more useful and entertaining.
- We have provided training in 4 master’s degree courses on the management of social organisations.
You’ve helped us a lot, we’ve been going around this problem for 20 years
In Entreprenership
- We have trained more than 1,500 people in some 140 courses, and accompanied dozens of entrepreneurs. Many of the companies are still in operation and others served as integration and professional training.
- We were pioneers in the creation of companies and associations with immigrant people.
- We created the first Foundation (F. Incluye) with the capacity to grant microcredits directly.
- We participated in 7 publications on entrepreneurship.
- We invented the “Lanzadera” to provide legal cover for entrepreneurs in their start-up phase. This idea has been recognised as good practice at European level and has been replicated in different versions by different organisations.
- CWe created the “+T Community”, to provide coverage and community support for new social entrepreneurship initiatives.
The quality results of the training were excellent. The client was very satisfied
In Global Citizenship Education
- We have participated in 8 publications and 7 audiovisuals that have reached dozens of educators..
- We help facilitate encounters with young people and professionals to create and reflect on new ideas for social transformation.
- We have trained dozens of young people in the reality of Climate Change, from the 1Planet4all programme.
- We helped to launch in Spain the international programme “The Human safety Net”.
As always, reading your proposals is like getting on an AVE train…you make a lot of progress with almost no effort!
In Development Cooperation
- More than 45 studies and evaluations of projects in 10 countries, with hundreds of recommendations.
- Dozens of teams have been trained in project management and design, and can now improve the way they formulate and monitor projects.
- We have been pioneers in the promotion of Social Enterprises in Development Cooperation in Palestine and Mozambique.
- We have made proposals that have been incorporated into the W4P programme, such as working with Guarantee Funds and Social Enterprises for marketing.
The director fell in love with your report, because of the global vision

Focus of our work
We use an expert approach, we want to provide knowledge and experience, but from an overview. We analyse processes globally and think about future repercussions, not just the current problem. We listen to all voices, the critical and uncomfortable ones too.
Organisations, processes and projects are interrelated systems: a conflict can hide a strategy problem, a reorganisation improves sustainability.
We transfer capabilities to our clients, we learn together in the consultancy process so as not to create dependency. We create alliances and collaborations with people and organisations to create complementary teams.
We offer transparency, honesty and constructive criticism… We do not promise miracles, we know that change processes are long and difficult. But we always strive to achieve improvements that will have a big impact in the long term.
Resources and tools
Since our creation in 1999, we have been learning and creating. We learn from our experience with reality, contact with dozens of people and organisations, we learn a lot from other people’s mistakes and from our own, from humility and openness. Through effort, reflection and hard work we develop tools, dynamics, ideas, approaches and references, in order to adapt them to each situation.
We read, we listen, we observe, we train continuously. We have a large documentary base, but we do not apply recipes or standard models. Each entity, each entrepreneur, each project, each reality, is unique. We learn with our clients and they take ownership of the results.
If you are an existing customer, we offer you to share what we know and what we are learning from our customer area.

Some of our clients