Who is in Transformando?
Social consultancy requires specialisation and a very high level of skill.
The variability of the projects we undertake is so great that the team adapts to each project.

José Mª Menéndez
I studied technical engineering, but I didn’t appreciate almost anything, except having a tendency to be a bit squared-minded. I worked for 12 years in lucrative private companies, large, medium and small. I learnt a lot about technical, human and management aspects during that time, but I am glad to have changed to a socially oriented profession.
I co-founded Transformando in 1998 and it has been my professional and social place ever since. A passionate, intense, complex project, where every day I learn from other people, from the world and from myself.
I have always been involved in social issues and I am still involved as a volunteer in several causes. Among them, I highlight the co-founding of Subiendo al Sur (which deserves a separate story) and the involvement in ONGAWA (formerly Ingeniería Sin Fronteras) and the World Social Forums in Madrid.
My speciality is social enterprises and companies created by or for people in situations of exclusion (inclusive). I also have a lot of experience in organisation, strategy and facilitation of social entities.

I am lucky to have by my side a wonderful partner who tolerates my madness, a grown-up daughter and son, with whom I enjoy, learn and try not to let them fall into my mistakes.
I love travelling around rural Spain and the “South” of the world. I try to create beautiful things: photos, videos, paintings and find treasures in the form of friends.
In transformando we are collaborating regularly with these people, probably some of the most competent in their field.

Ana Gorostegui
After several years as a partner in Transformando, I collaborated in several organisations in the fields of Social Economy, inclusive entrepreneurship, microfinance, etc. Now I am a coach, therapist and professional mediator. I accompany individuals and teams to unfold their full potential. As an independent professional I collaborate in the following processes:
– I accelerate personal and professional development processes.
– I accompany in individual sessions people who want to connect with their value, authenticity and joie de vivre.
– I facilitate practical and experiential workshops in which I work on vocation through entrepreneurship.
– I dynamise processes of professional reorientation and vocational reconnection.
– I offer a space of impartiality and listening so that people in conflict situations can reach an agreement that is beneficial for all parties.
– I put myself at the service of the solution, re-establishing communication.
I continue to collaborate with Transformando in the fields of mediation, conflict resolution and entrepreneurship.
Enrique Pino
I met Transformando as a student of one of its courses, when I was creating my own cooperative, Educando. After a lot of years as a cooperative, Educando ended and I started a stage as an independent professional.
My work is developed in five different areas: environmental education and training for educators within formal and non-formal education, socio-environmental dynamisation, especially through volunteering and community work, environmental leisure used as an educational tool, dissemination and environmental communication through publications, events and exhibitions, and sustainable local development, especially in the rural world.
In the design and execution of my projects and activities I work in collaboration with professionals belonging to different disciplines who develop their work in connection with the environment: sociologists, biologists, disseminators, economists, psychologists, social educators, etc.
Our projects are oriented towards the following objectives: to help people become aware of the eco-dependence of societies and the links that bind us to the environment, to contribute to the knowledge of the environmental and social problems derived from the overexploitation of ecological resources, to encourage the construction of economic, social and cultural alternatives that are not harmful to the environment, to promote active participation in the improvement and conservation of the environment, and to help improve the knowledge of the environmental reality that surrounds us.
I collaborate with Transformando in environmental education and eco-entrepreneurship projects.

Anacleto Saint-Mart
I have collaborated with Transformando in Mozambique, in several actions of the W4P programme and in the Evaluation of a Caritas Project in Ancuabe.
I am an agricultural extension technician and agricultural entrepreneur. I studied agricultural sciences, which I completed with postgraduate studies, including a Master’s degree in Sustainable Community Development at the National University of Costa Rica.
I specialise in soybean breeding, genetics and agro-processing. Also in integrated pest and disease management, biofertilisers and sustainable agriculture for developing countries.
Giulia Pizzuti
Graduated in Philosophy at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” with a specialisation in aesthetics. After my university studies I started to work as a photographer shooting reportages in different countries in Asia and Africa. My personal interests and what I learnt during my studies led me to focus my interests on cooperation and development projects. That is why I did a Master in Development Economics and International Cooperation at the University of Rome “Tor Vergada” and a PhD in Development and Citizenship at the University of Seville “Pablo de Olavide” where in 2016 I defended my thesis “Globalisation, governance and education: towards the construction of a global citizenship”.
My interest in putting my research into practice has led me to collaborate as a researcher, evaluator, technician and project manager with various organisations, universities and NGOs in Italy, Spain and Morocco. In particular, in recent years I have been involved in projects related to Global Citizenship Education and Gender Equality with the GEP&Do Observatory, the research group EcoEcoFem (Pablo de Olavide University), CoopMed, Oxfam Intermón, SocialChangeSchool and UNRWA.

Josete Escalada Jiménez
I graduated in business studies, struggling with my rebelliousness towards the approach given to companies and organisations. Convinced of the need for continuous training and with my passion for learning, I was lucky enough to be able to continue training while gaining professional experience. Thus, over the years, I took a Master’s degree in Sustainable Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Action; another in Programme and Public Policy Evaluation and a University Diploma in Gender Relations and Development.
Convinced that my main work and life tool is myself, I have dedicated and continue to dedicate a lot of time and resources to my own personal development and growth. With the idea of being able to contribute this to society, convinced of the need to include these approaches in the work with people both at an individual and organisational level, I have trained as a coach and as a transpersonal psychocorporal and expressive movement therapist.
An activist since the early 90’s, my professional experience began in 2000. Most of my experience is in organisational and programme management, combining people and programme management with an organisational development approach. I have extensive experience in the international sector and in the management, dynamisation and development of multidisciplinary and multicultural work teams. My professional career has involved acquiring interlocution skills with different agents at different levels. I have experience in the strategic, economic-financial, programme management, organisational, monitoring and evaluation and training fields.
My interest in proving that, through responsible management, it is possible to do business in a different way, has led me in recent years to accompany companies and entrepreneurs to start up or consolidate their teams and businesses in a way that is coherent with their environment and with themselves.
With a professional activity closely linked to training, I have trained professionals, I have given more than 1,000 hours of training in various training centres, forums, universities and countries, both in courses for teams within organisations and in different masters and courses.
Life is movement!
Dynamic, optimistic, cheerful and enthusiastic although, of course, I have days and times when the dark tunnel is very deep and Life scares me. I love to LIVE this gift that is life, to keep discovering, learning, experiencing new things and meeting people, investigating things and people.
My greatest asset, besides myself, are my friends, close companions in the adventure of living. A special friend is my fostering partner with whom I enjoy life while we grow together and get to know each other.
Jordi López
I have participated in social movements and organisations such as ¿Quién debe a quién?, the World Social Forum in Madrid, the co-operative Bajo el Asfalto is the Vegetable Garden ( BAH! ). I have collaborated in the creation of the virtual classroom of the social initiative cooperative Transformando and in that of Médicos del Mundo.
Historically I have been employed for 10 years in large and multinational companies in the sector of communication and information technologies. After this period I became self-employed, got involved in the community of free software and networks and joined small and autonomous collective projects. Transformation.
I am moved by the feeling that thanks to the network of networks that is the Internet we are building a collective intelligence. For the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.
From the different communities of free knowledge and culture we are weaving a common heritage such as, for example, the protocols of telecommunications networks, Wikipedia or the GNU/Linux systems.
This ecosystem of work and collaboration creates a virtuous circle that is enriching at all levels. Shall we contribute together our grain of sand to the sandbox from which we all benefit?

Ana Reyero
20 years working in different positions and sectors of activity fill a professional rucksack of learning and unlearning. The most rewarding professional experiences are those that have been challenging, have achieved results and in which I have been able to learn something every day. In training, updating and permanent personal and professional development.
As ISO 9000 Quality System Manager for five years in an SME, developing this continuous process improvement plan from its design and initial implementation. Here I learned, among other things, that all processes have [continuous] improvement. Evaluation is necessary; as a TSIS I would discover how valuable it was here to work with improvement indicators.
As a Social Integration Technician [TSIS] I developed the project Me construYO en posit+vo, working in a multidisciplinary educational team, with an adolescent diagnosed with autistic spectrum syndrome. It is amazing to observe and participate in the process [if you pay attention] of increasing the level of personal and social autonomy of a person: one change generates many changes. We then work on self-concept, the acquisition of personal and social skills and the level of attention and concentration (which would allow him/her to improve his/her academic performance).
As a social media manager, my most valuable experiences have been to accompany people in the process of starting or improving their digital identity and presence in social media. Each person has a different voice and message and we have to listen to them in order to support their expression, appropriate to the possibilities that the social media platforms give us.
Restless. Always in beta. Exploring digital maps. Generating new taxonomies that do not perpetuate us in partial identities.
Learning something every day. With the runrun of bridging the digital divide. Hello!
Pablo Bandeira
I am a university professor of economics and statistics, president of the NGO Democracy, Citizenship and Development (DECIDE) and partner of Transformando. From 2004 to 2007 I worked for the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, both in research and operations. My main lines of work are International Economics, the role of Governance and Sustainable Development and Development Cooperation.
I am currently developing at TF a line of work on public policies that promote the emergence and development of economically, socially and environmentally responsible enterprises. I combine my work at TF with teaching economics classes in different Masters at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, ICADE and Instituto de Empresa.

I have a wife and two small children and my main hobbies, apart from playing with my children, are sports, the mountains and spending time with family and friends. I like almost all sports, but especially football, tennis, cycling, volleyball and hiking in the mountains.
And last but not least, I have faith in a merciful God, who helps us to live life to the full, with peace, love and hope.